Case Study
Artis School of Music
Jennifer came to me in hopes of converting from an an old, tired theme to a more modern design.
Web Site
Online Shop
Web and Blog Design
Online Shop Design
Creative Process
Jennifer and I worked together to update her theme, add a page for teachers, build in a shop for online payments, and develop blog functionality. The Artis School of Music Site is now ready to withstand another decade.

Converting the Existing Site
Over a weekend, I tore down Jennifer’s old site and reworked the pages so the site had very little downtime.
Updated Theme
Jennifer and I worked together to update her theme to Divi – a modern, modular theme that allows for a lot of flexibility. We applied styled child layouts fit for a music school.
Plugin Cleanup
Old sites developed with different hands over time oftentimes have old, outdated plugins activated that pose security risks. One of the first tasks I did was deactivate unnecessary plug-ins to reduce risk.
Classes Pages
The group classes page took the longest time. There was a complex mix of information to be delivered to prospective parents. I worked with Jennifer to present the content in an easier-to-understand way.

Online Calendar
Jennifer’s staff was already producing a pdf calendar. We took the calendar one step further and built out digital calendar functionality so visitors could get more information about events and event purchase tickets on event pages.
Online Shop
Jennifer liked the idea of web payments, so I built out a Woo Commerce shop for parents to pay for classes through the Web site.
Blog Functionality
Jennifer was really interested in the idea of writing both News and Blog posts. I built categories that filter her blog posts to different pages and sections of her site, depending on the category she chooses. But the process of writing, no matter the category, remains the same for her.
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