The Library is everyone’s favorite room in the house. It boasts 3 sets of arched french doors, built-in bookcases, and a fireplace. Now that I have some furniture in it, it is definitely a room I spend a lot of time in. Nearly every morning, I sit in front of the fireplace and read (with no fire, of course, because my chimney has a giant crack in it). During the warm months, I wake up and open the doors to have fresh air throughout the floor all day long and I’m so sad when I need to stop this ritual during the cold months. It is such a gorgeous attribute of this home. Decorating it has been a lot of fun. It’s kind of a strange layout and needs different areas of furniture. You can see in the post’s mockup above what I am thinking: a general sitting area, a few reading chairs, and a bar/record player dresser. This last one might be a strange idea to some, but one of the thoughts I had, when I moved in, was to try and incorporate 1920s period pieces throughout the house – and I love waterfall furniture. So, we’ll see how these all fit together when I’m done.
