The Library
The Library is everyone's favorite room in the house. It boasts 3 sets of arched french doors, built-in bookcases, and a fireplace. Now that I have some furniture in it, it is definitely a room I spend a lot of time in. Nearly every morning, I sit in front...

Main Floor Office
After a year of looking at a dreary, desolate, poorly kept office space, we decided to quickly and fairly cheaply give this room a makeover. This room has been many things to many people over the years - a den, a bedroom, probably another office. It is one...

Redesigning the Small, Narrow Bedroom Closet
Updating this small, narrow bedroom closet was something that needed to be done. It was narrow, dented, tall, and a major waste of space. When I toured the home originally, there were giant access holes in the walls on either side of the closet. I thought the access...